Our Values & Ethos
At Akaal Primary School, we pride ourselves on demonstrating exceptional values through everything that we do, our whole ethos is based around values which are effortlessly interwoven into the material of our school. If you ask our children what makes us special they will answer ‘Our Values’ This is echoed in our Behaviour Policy where it states that ‘At Akaal Primary School, we will ensure that every member of the school community feels valued and respected, and that each person is treated well and fairly. Our intention is to be known as a caring family, whose values are built on mutual trust and respect for all. We recognise the importance of clearly stated values and shared beliefs among all staff which underpin expected standards of behaviour and quality of relationships.’ The philosophical foundations of Akaal Primary school are based on key Sikh principles, at the heart of which lie equality, integrity and hard work. The tenets of the Sikh faith encourage good citizenship through the principle of Sarbat da bhalla, which translates into considering the welfare of humanity as a whole.
During our Faith Inspection it was said that ‘These values are evident in the excellent relationships between and among adults and learners. Pupils know that they are safe and valued and, as a result, most are keen to come to school where they behave impeccably and work hard.’ Ofsted 9th July 2018.
This has a huge impact on the ‘feel’ of the school, staff and children alike have a mutual respect for who we are and what we do. Being a Sikh faith school we follow the Golden Rules given to all Sikhs by Guru Nanak Dev Ji:
- Naqam Japna – Meditate on God
- Kirat Karni – Earn an honest living
- Vand Chhakana – Selflessly serving others
These can be seen more detail in our Faith Policy and run hand in hand with many other values that we embody as a school. At the start of each academic year our new classes are gifted a class name, these are the name of a value. Our class names so far are Service Class, Truth Class, Hope Class, Patience Class, Courage Class, Kindness Class and our youngest members of school are Respect Class.
The Values we learn about and live through what we do are:
- Acceptance
- Respect
- Courage
- Appreciation
- Determination
- Service
- Hope
- Trust
- Kindness
- Friendship
- Empathy
- Cooperation
- Patience
- Responsibility
- Humility
These are displayed clearly and proudly for all to see as soon as you enter our building and they set the tone for what you are to expect when we welcome you into our family.
Our Values are celebrated during our collective worship and we have a focus value for each month these are rotated so that the children get to see examples of the value in action through Sikhi and other world religions.
Further information about our Values and Vision can be found in our Faith Policy.
British Values
At Akaal Primary School, we recognise the importance of developing well rounded individuals. We equally promote British and Sikh values across the school. We ensure that there are many opportunities for children to experience what life is like in modern day Britain. We achieve this in many different ways such as the curriculum, trips, forest sessions, enrichment and trips to the allotment amongst other activities.
Each class has a working wall to showcase British Values in their learning.
Akaal British Values In School
Akaal British Values In Year 1
Akaal British Values In Year 2
Akaal British Values In Year 3
Akaal British Values In Year 5
Akaal SMSC & British Values Grid 2020/21
Akaal SMSC, British Values & Sikh Values IN The Curriculum 2020/21
Akaal British Values Photo Album
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